Check out CBSE Board Class 10 Sample Paper Information Technology (402),If you are a student of CBSE Board Class 10 and Information Technology is your additional subject, then this post is very important for you. Through this post, you can prepare for your exams very effectively, as we are providing you CBSE Board Class 10 Sample Paper Information Technology that have been Made by experts. If you prepare well using these sample papers, we are confident that you can achieve good marks in your examination.
CBSE Board Class 10 Sample Paper Information Technology
Class – 10th
Session – 2024 – 25
Subject – Information Technology (402)
Time: 2 Hours Max. Marks: 50
General Instructions:
1. Please read the instructions carefully.
2. This Question Paper consists of 21 questions in two sections: Section A & Section B.
3. Section A has Objective type questions whereas Section B contains Subjective type questions.
4. Out of the given (5 + 16 =) 21 questions, a candidate has to answer (5 + 10 =) 15 questions in the allotted (maximum) time of 2 hours.
5. All questions of a particular section must be attempted in the correct order.
i. This section has 05 questions.
ii. Marks allotted are mentioned against each question/part.
iii. There is no negative marking.
iv. Do as per the instructions given.
i. This section has 16 questions.
ii. A candidate has to do 10 questions.
iii. Do as per the instructions given.
Objective Type Questions
1. Answer any 4 out of the given 6 questions based on Employability Skills.
(i) Monika gets up at 6:10 am and goes for her hobby classes. Then, she comes back home and finishes her homework before going to school. She does all work by herself. No one tells her to do so. This is called _____.
(a) self-awareness
(b) self-motivation
(c) self-regulation
(d) discipline
(ii) Anita is leading a team meeting to discuss a new project. While she ensures clarity in her instructions and uses positive body language, some team members face difficulty understanding her due to differences in language and terminology. Which of the following is an example of a barrier to effective communication?
(a) Active listening
(b) Providing clear instructions
(c) Language barriers
(d) Using appropriate body language
(iii) Ravi is organizing his project work on his computer. He notices that each document, image, and video is saved as a single entity, which can be opened and edited individually. What is a collection of information saved as a unit called?
(a) Folder
(b) File
(c) Path
(d) File extension
(iv) _____ generates within the human regarding the unreasonable matters.
(a) Internal stress
(b) Survival stress
(c) Environmental stress
(d) None of the above
(v) Riya is studying green skills and learns they help reduce greenhouse gas emissions, preserve biodiversity, and conserve habitats. However, they aim to minimize non-renewable resource use. Which of the following is not an environmental benefit of green skills?
(a) Reduction in greenhouse gas emissions
(b) Preservation of biodiversity
(c) Increased use of non-renewable resources
(d) Conservation of natural habitats
(vi) An entrepreneur must establish good relations with _____ and its functionaries.
(a) customer
(b) government
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of these
2. Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions.
(i) _____ command is used to restore database to original since the last COMMIT.
(d) None of these
(ii) Every computer is protected by a _____.
(a) firewall
(b) software
(c) server
(d) network
(iii) To delete a template, _____ on a template in the Templates window and select Delete.
(a) Right-click
(b) Double-click
(c) Left-click
(d) None of these
(iv) The structure line displays the elements for entries in the level column. The _____ button represents the page number.
(a) #
(b) &
(c) %
(d) @
(v) Rohit is designing a database and learning about primary keys. His teacher explains that fields like account numbers and admission numbers are suitable, but some fields, like dates, may not be ideal. Which of the following fields will not make a suitable primary key?
(a) A customer’s account number
(b) A date-field
(c) An auto number field
(d) A student’s admission number
(vi) Default name of first scenario created in Sheetl of Calc is _____.
(a) Sheet_l_Scenario
(b) Sheet_Scenario_l
(c) Sheetl_Scenario_l
(d) None of the above
3. Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions.
(i) Commands are a set of instructions that is used to interact with database.
(a) SQL
(b) Java
(c) Mac
(d) DBMS
(ii) Instant messaging service accepts instant messages from _____.
(a) external sites
(b) internal sites
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of these
(iii) Riya is learning about the features available in the Insert tab of a word processor. She discovers that features like Shapes and ClipArt are grouped under a specific category, which helps in enhancing documents visually. Under Insert tab, _____ group contains the features like Shapes, ClipArt etc.
(a) Illustrations
(b) Shapes
(c) Paragraph
(d) Clipboard
(iv) In the Subtotal dialog box, the _____ box is used to select the column on which you want to add the Subtotal to.
(a) group by
(b) filter by
(c) consolidate by
(d) update by
(v) _____ command is used to retrieve data from a database.
(d) None of these
(vi) Two other toolbars can be opened from Picture Tool bar are : the _____ and _____.
(a) Edit picture, Color picture
(b) Format, drawing
(c) Graphic Filter toolbar, Color toolbar
(d) Floating toolbar, Color toolbar
4. Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions.
(i) Which of the following network devices is used to connect to dissimilar networks?
(a) Gateway
(b) Switch
(c) Bridge
(d) Router
(ii) Type of software is accessed using browsers.
(a) Open source
(b) Web based
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of these
(iii) _____ is a collection of related information.
(a) Base
(b) Database
(c) Web-based
(d) None of the above
(iv) Under _____ tab, Bullet and Numbering, Autocorrect etc options are present.
(a) Tools
(b) Format
(c) Window
(d) Table
(v) In Goal seek dialog box, the _____ we enter the reference of the cell that contains the value to be changed.
(a) variable cell
(b) modifying cell
(c) changing cell
(d) replacing cell
(vi) Which tab of Writer contains the Mail Merge Wizard?
(a) View
(b) Tools
(c) Edit
(d) Format
5. Answer any 5 out of the given 6 questions.
(i) The comments that are added while creating a scenario is displayed in the _____ while using scenario.
(a) preview pane
(b) navigator box
(c) comment window
(d) None of these
(ii) _____ is used to text-to-speech utility that reads what is displayed on the screen.
(a) Start Narrator
(b) Web page
(c) Website
(d) None of these
(iii)If you are continually working with the same range, then you may give a name to the range using _____ option under Data Menu.
(a) Define data
(b) Define range
(c) Define reference
(d) Define addres
(iv) _____ is a free personal publishing platform.
(a) Zoomla
(b) WordPress
(c) Blogger
(d) None of these
(v) Which of the following is not a type of text wrapping option?
(a) Wrap off
(b) Optimal wrap
(c) Page wrap
(d) Wrap center
(vi) Which of the following is also known as computer based record keeping system?
(a) Data Manipulation System
(b) Computer Data System
(c) Computerised Record Keeping System
(d) DBMS
Subjective Type Questions
Direction for Q 6-Q 10 : Answer any 3 out of the given 5 questions on Employability skills. Answer each question in 20-30 words.
6. Riya is studying the role of entrepreneurs and learns that they perform key functions like planning and innovating to ensure business success. Explain any two functions of an entrepreneur.
7. Difference between file and folder.
8. Why is self-regulation important in life?
9. Anita is learning how green skills help combat climate change by promoting sustainability, renewable energy, and reducing carbon footprints. What role do green skills play in addressing climate change?
10. Can you explain the principle of completeness in the context of effective communication ?
Direction for Q 11-Q 16 : Answer any 4 out of the given 6 questions in 20-30 words each.
11. Difference between circuit switching and packet switching.
12. What is the use of Consolidate option in Calc?
13. What is Referential Integrity? Explain its purposes.
14. Amit is working on a project in a spreadsheet application and wants to add more sheets to organize his data better. He learns that there are multiple ways to insert new sheets into a workbook. State any two ways of inserting sheets in a workbook?
15. What is Internet Service Provider?
16. How can you define OLE?
Direction for Q 17-Q 21 : Answer any 3 out of the given 5 questions in 50-80 words each.
17. Arjun is analyzing the SHOPPE database table, which contains information about shop IDs, names, and their locations. He needs to perform some database queries to extract specific information about the shops.
(i) How many fields and records are there in SHOPPE table?
(ii) Write SQL commands for the following :
(a) Display Id and SName of all the shops located in Nehru Place.
(b) Display the details alphabetically by SName.
(c) Display SName of shops whose Area is CP.
18. Lavish is preparing notes for his upcoming exams. Help him to write the correct answer of the following:
(i) Scenario
(ii) Absolute link
(iii) Relative link
(iv) Macro
19. Your friend’s father owns a restaurant. He manually enters the customers records in a register. You want to explain to him the importance of creating a database in computer. Tell the advantages of using computerized database with the help of the following points:
(a) Data redundancy
(b) Data inconsistency
(c) Confidentiality
(d) Sharing
20. Samarjit wants to know about template. Tell him the definition of template and also the steps to create a document using it.
21. Rahul and lAmit are working on a school project assigned to them by their teacher. They have to send instant messages to each other and also do a video conferencing after school hours in order to complete the project on time. Tell the use of the following devices used for video conferencing.
(a) Microphone
(b) Web camera
(c) Speakers
(d) Headsets