CBSE Board Class 12 Political Science Sample Paper (Set -3)

CBSE Board Class 12 Political Science Sample Paper

If you are a CBSE Class 12 student and Political Science is one of your subjects, then CBSE Board Class 12 Political Science Sample Paper (Set -1) is extremely important for you. Through this post, we are providing you with free CBSE Board Class 12 Political Science Sample Papers to help you prepare effectively for your board exams.

CBSE Board Class 12 Political Science Sample Paper

These high-quality sample papers are designed to give you a clear understanding of the exam pattern and improve your performance. We hope that practicing these papers will enhance your preparation and enable you to score excellent marks in your board exams. Make the most of this opportunity and give your preparation the edge it needs!

CBSE Board Class 12 Political Science Sample Paper (Set -3)

Class – 12th Exam – 2024 – 25
Political Science (028)

Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 80
General Instructions :
Read the following instructions very carefully and follow them:
1. This question paper contains 30 questions. All questions are compulsory.
2. Question paper is divided into five sections A, B, C, D and E.
3. Section A questions number 1 to 12 are Multiple Choice type questions. Each question carries. 1 mark.
4. Section B questions number 13 to 18 are Short Answer type questions. Each question carries
2 marks. Write answer to each question in 50 to 60 words.
5. Section C questions number 19 to 23 are Long Answer Type-I question. Each question carries
4 marks. Write answer to each question in 100 to 120 words.
6. Section D questions number 24 to 26 are Passage, Cartoon and Map-based questions.
Answer each question accordingly.
7. Section E questions number 27 to 30 are Long Answer Type-II questions. Each question carries 6 marks.
Write answer to each question in 170 to 180 words.
8. There is no overall choice in the question paper. However, an internal choice has been provided in few questions. Only one of the choices in such questions has to be attempted.
9. In addition to this, note that a separate question has been provided for Visually Impaired candidates in lieu of questions having visual inputs, map etc. Such questions are to be attempted by Visually Impaired candidates only.


1. Pakistan has experienced periods of military rule that have impacted its democratic institutions.

Which of the following statements is NOT correct about Military and Democracy in Pakistan?

(A) Pakistan has had multiple military coups since its independence.
(B) Military influence has often hindered the development of stable democratic governance in Pakistan.
(C) Pakistan has never experienced periods of military rule.
(D) Civil-military relations in Pakistan have been a significant factor in its political landscape.

2. Assertion (A): The United Nations is the only international organization responsible for maintaining international peace and security.
Reason (R): Other international organizations, like NATO, also contribute to maintaining peace and security.


(A) Both A and R are true, and R is the correct explanation of A.
(B) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A.
(C) A is true, but R is false.
(D) A is false, but R is true.

3. Match the terms given in column ‘A’ correctly with their meaning given in column ‘B’ and choose the appropriate code as the correct answer:

Column A

1. Traditional Security
2. Non-Traditional Security
3. Cooperative Security
4. India’s Security Strategy

Column B

(i) Focuses on military threats and defense against external aggression.
(ii) Encompasses issues like terrorism, human rights, and environmental threats.
(iii) Emphasizes collaboration among nations to ensure mutual safety and prevent conflicts.
(iv) A comprehensive approach addressing both external and internal security challenges of India.


(A) 1-(i), 2-(ii), 3-(iii), 4-(iv)
(B) 1-(ii), 2-(i), 3-(iv), 4-(iii)
(C) 1-(iii), 2-(iv), 3-(i), 4-(ii)
(D) 1-(iv), 2-(iii), 3-(ii), 4-(i)

4. Given below are two statements:
Statement I: Global commons include areas like the atmosphere and oceans, which are not owned by any single country.
Statement II: The management of global commons can be effectively achieved through unilateral actions by individual nations.

In the light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below:

(A) Both Statement I and Statement II are true
(B) Both Statement I and Statement II are false
(C) Statement I is true, but Statement II is false
(D) Statement I is false, but Statement II is true

5. Arrange the following events related to India’s economic liberalization in chronological order:

I. Introduction of New Industrial Policy
II. Reduction of Import Tariffs
III. Establishment of the Foreign Investment Promotion Board (FIPB)
IV. Implementation of Goods and Services Tax (GST)

Choose the correct option:

(A) I, II, III, IV
(B) II, I, IV, III
(C) I, III, II, IV
(D) I, II, IV, III

6. Identify and write the Incorrect pair:

(A) Mikhail Gorbachev – Introduced policies of Perestroika and Glasnost
(B) Boris Yeltsin – First President of the Russian Federation
(C) Vladimir Putin – Leader who initiated Perestroika
(D) Nikita Khrushchev – Soviet leader during the Cuban Missile Crisis

7. The concept of planning for India’s economic development was greatly influenced by which of the following models?

(A) American liberal-capitalist model
(B) Gandhian economic model
(C) Soviet socialist model
(D) British colonial economic model

8. The Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), co-founded by India, aimed to ____________.

(A) Support one of the superpowers during the Cold War
(B) Avoid joining military alliances with either bloc
(C) Establish military bases around the world
(D) Isolate itself from international politics

9. The term “non-Congressism” was coined by which socialist leader?

(A) Charan Singh
(B) Ram Manohar Lohia
(C) Jayaprakash Narayan
(D) C. Rajagopalachari

10. The Shah Commission was appointed by the Janata Party government in 1977 to investigate ____________.

(A) The reasons for India’s war with Pakistan
(B) Violations during the Emergency
(C) Corruption in Congress
(D) Financial irregularities in the public sector

11. In the 1985 Assam Accord, the Indian government agreed to ____________.

(A) Ban all student unions in Assam
(B) Conduct a referendum on Assam’s independence
(C) Identify and deport illegal immigrants who entered after the Bangladesh war
(D) Form a separate state of Assam for Assamese people

12. The Babri Masjid was demolished in December 1992 during which event organized by Hindu groups?

(A) Rath Yatra
(B) Karseva
(C) Ram Leela
(D) Chauri Chaura March


13. Highlight any one major distinction between the Soviet economy and the capitalist economy.

14. When and why did the Communist Party of India go through a major split ?

15. What does defection mean in Indian politics?

16. How the large foreign reserves can be beneficial for a country?

17. How globalisation affects investments in a country?

18. Who was J. C. Kumarappa?


19. Why can the UN not serve as a balance against the US dominance? Explain.

20. Analyse any four factors responsible for the downfall of the Janata Government in 1979.

21. How did the crisis in the East Pakistan affect India?

22. Discuss the political history that led to the formation of the European Union in 1992.

23. Many people think that a two-party system is required for successful democracy. Drawing from India’s experience of last 30 years, write an essay on what advantages the present party system in India has.


24. Study the picture and answer the following questions given below.

(i) In which year and where was the Earth Summit on environmental issues held?

(A) 1990, New York
(B) 1991, London
(C) 1992, Rio de Janeiro
(D) 1993, Tokyo

(ii) What does the picture above depict?

(A) Urban deforestation
(B) A dense rainforest being felled
(C) An industrial site polluting the environment
(D) A desert ecosystem

(iii) Which of the following are considered global commons?

(A) Earth’s atmosphere and outer space
(B) Ocean floors and the Antarctic region
(C) Both a and b
(D) None of the above

(iv) Why is world politics important for protecting global commons?

(A) To enforce rules and regulations for conservation
(B) To allow individual countries to claim these areas
(C) To develop industries in these areas
(D) To distribute global commons among countries

25. In the given political outline map of India, four states have been shown as (A), (B), (C) and (D). Identify them on the basis of the information given below and write their correct names in your answer-book with the respective serial number of the information used and the concerned alphabet as per the following format:

(i) The State that resisted its merger with the Union of India.
(ii) The State which was carved out of Assam in 1972.
(iii) The State where the Communist Party of India formed its Government in 1957.
(iv) The State which was formed in 1966.

26. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:

This phase of elected democracy lasted till 1999 when the army stepped in again and General Pervez Musharraf removed Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif. In 2001, General Musharraf got himself elected as the President of Pakistan. Pakistan continued to be ruled by the army, though the army rulers have held some elections to give their rule a democratic image. Since 2008, democratically elected leaders have been ruling Pakistan.

(i) Which year did General Pervez Musharraf remove the democratically elected government?

(A) 1999
(B) 1998
(C) 1996
(D) 1997

(ii) In _____ General Pervez Musharraf became the President of Pakistan.

(A) 1998
(B) 2000
(C) 1999
(D) 2001

(iii) What action did General Pervez Musharraf’s administration take to show the world that they were following democracy?


27. Analyse India’s stand on environmental issues.


In which way resource geopolitics had led the way for ‘Neocolonialism’?

28. “Regional aspiration, regional imbalance and regionalism are a hindrance in the way of national
unity of India”. Do you agree with the statement?


“Jammu and Kashmir is one of the living examples of plural society and politics.” Justify the statement with suitable arguments.

29. Examine any six consequences of disintegration of the Soviet Union.


Describe the factors that make most of the former Soviet Republics prone to conflicts and threats.

30. What are the differences in the threats that people in the Third World face and those living in the First World face?


Is terrorism a traditional or non-traditional threat to security? Explain.

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